Loci Project and Patent
Hello friends Here we are with a new project In front of us is a first in the world, the merciless Patent System Loci against you. Patents give a sense of confidence to their producers that their ideas are copied and stolen. America's founders saw how much it was worth and wanted to make the patent process as cheap and easy as possible to encourage more miracles. Unfortunately, the process has recently become clogged by bureaucracy and private interests. Approving the patents and having to wait for about $ 20,000 is a distressing process for people. High costs prevent many proprietors from applying for a patent. In addition, many brutal businessmen realized how profitable it is to make money by suing small businesses for patent infringement. Loci wants to decentralize the patent system and give the power to the people we have. Using the power of Blockchain and intelligent contracts, it is the main building block to make the discounted community a positive or negative deci...