
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

Loci Project and Patent

Hello friends Here we are with a new project In front of us is a first in the world, the merciless Patent System Loci against you. Patents give a sense of confidence to their producers that their ideas are copied and stolen. America's founders saw how much it was worth and wanted to make the patent process as cheap and easy as possible to encourage more miracles. Unfortunately, the process has recently become clogged by bureaucracy and private interests. Approving the patents and having to wait for about $ 20,000 is a distressing process for people. High costs prevent many proprietors from applying for a patent. In addition, many brutal businessmen realized how profitable it is to make money by suing small businesses for patent infringement. Loci wants to decentralize the patent system and give the power to the people we have. Using the power of Blockchain and intelligent contracts, it is the main building block to make the discounted community a positive or negative deci...

MindSports: Decentralized Social Game Platform, Powered By Intelligent Contract And Blockchain Ethereum

MindSports IO is an Intelligent and Reliable Game Board Network supported by Ethereum technology, Anti-Cheating layer and MINDSET Notes for intellectual sports like Chess, Draft (Checker), Xiangqi, Bridge and Go. The problem of online board games today is trust. Players may cheat with a chess machine, users are also at risk of losing money and they must believe that the service provider is doing the right thing. MindSports aims to eliminate the need to trust a party running a centralized platform. MindSports IO provides an opportunity for user participation. Mind games will be developed and deployed to the network. The Community Anti-Cheating layer is managed to eliminate the possibility of cheating with a chess machine. The holder token has the option to be part of the community to resolve the game dispute and get the appropriate rewards. MindSports IO aligns incentives across all stakeholders and ties Token to core action of network growth. The traditional online mind-exercis...

Proyek Fittoken

Salam untuk semua! Percakapan kita hari ini akan tentang olahraga! Tanpa diduga Mari ikuti langkah-langkah berikut: Fittoken adalah proyek pertama di dunia yang telah menciptakan aplikasi untuk pecinta olahraga dan kebugaran, terlebih lagi, berdasarkan pada platform Blockchain yang terdesentralisasi! pengantar Pertumbuhan Pusat Kebugaran dan Kebugaran dan Olahraga yang terus berlanjut untuk orang-orang biasa dan olahragawan profesional telah berubah selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Semakin profesional olahraga dan profesional olahraga berubah dengan teknologi, dan meskipun Pusat Industri Olahraga & Kebugaran tidak selalu bergerak dengan tren Teknologi Digital. Pusat Kebugaran & Olah Raga ini tidak ada di belakang. FIT membayangkan sebuah gudang data berbasis Blockchain berbasis desentralisasi untuk memastikan keamanan, portabilitas dan keuntungan pribadi yang optimal. Blockchain adalah sistem yang sangat transparan dimana pelanggan dapat menggunakan FIT Tokens untuk...

Miliki tanah digital Anda sendiri dan cari uang dengan Arcona

Revolusi teknologi menggantikan dunia dari dunia ini. Teknologi komunikasi berkembang dengan sangat cepat, banyak ilmuwan dan desainer meramalkan banyak perubahan di dunia kita yang penuh dengan gadget. Tujuan Arcona adalah menyatukan dunia nyata dan maya ke dalam satu ruang informasi yang memiliki hubungan dengan dunia nyata. Apa ekosistem dari realitas tambahan Arcona? Ekosistem Arcona menciptakan Digital Land - lapisan augmented reality (DR), yang menggabungkan dunia fisik dan maya. Sistem ini dirancang untuk memungkinkan pengguna menggunakan konten dari kenyataan yang diperbesar di dunia nyata setiap hari dan mengubah ruang sekitarnya saat bepergian dengan headset tipe ponsel, tablet, atau HoloLens. Di Digital Land, siapapun bisa menyewa sebidang tanah dan memulai bisnis di platform augmented reality. Kontrol dilakukan dari jarak jauh, dan Anda bisa melakukan bisnis dimanapun di dunia tanpa meninggalkan kantor. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di https://www.arcona....


Proyek WePower WePower adalah proyek inovatif yang bertujuan untuk memungkinkan perdagangan energi hijau, mempertemukan investor dan produsen energi hijau. Berkat teknologi Blokzinciri, produsen energi terbarukan dapat menghasilkan token energi mereka sendiri dan membiayai mereka melalui token ini. Setiap token energi mewakili daya pada 1 kilowatt hour yang akan dihasilkan pada pembangkit listrik tertentu. Token ini memberikan fleksibilitas finansial bagi produsen energi. Jika produsen energi terbarukan memerlukan investasi finansial karena pemasangan atau pengoperasian pabrik mereka, mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan finansial mereka dengan token energi dan memberi investor energi masa depan. Mereka yang menerima token energi juga bisa menjual token ini, atau menggunakan energi setara sesuai dengan kebutuhan pribadi mereka. Tim WePower telah mengidentifikasi isu-isu kunci di pasar energi hijau saat ini dan telah menggunakan teknologi blockzinciri dan tokenization untuk mem...

CREDITS - Decentralized Financial System For Direct Interaction Among Participants With Peer-To-Peer Principles (P2P)

Komunitas Credits, my posting will introduce about the Credits Project and for more details let's just go to the following discussion Topics: The CREDIT platform is a scattered financial scheme where participants and users can interact and conduct discussions through a peer-to-peer approach. Unlike other blockchain platforms that investors know to date, CREDIT allows participants to gather at one integrated website with the advantage of offering services and at the same time using them. This platform provides you with high efficiency, speed and transaction data management technology without the necessary challenges from intermediaries. This will allow participants to interact well and monitor the results relative. As a unique investment and brand platform, CREDIT has its own Cryptococcal Credit (CSC). This is a very basic and creative solution especially considering the fact of 21st century market demand and supply. This is a new idea to blockchain technology, smart contr...

Dimensions Network - trading platform for crypto

I'm in a new spelling with a new ICO. The topic of this article is '' Dimensions Network ''. The year 2017 was literally the year of the crypto money. Most cryptos, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, have increased at an incredible rate. I wanted to share with you because I think Bende Dimensions Network will have an important place in this system. Dimensions Network - a new trading platform that allows trading in crypto currency, options and futures. So to make it even more open, it is a platform for crypto-money and a support system for future contracts with standard variants of crypto pairs, options and many variants of the company. A large number of people will have a say in platform development and they will have the right to receive 15% of the fees from the trade at Ethereum. In addition to this advantage, symbol owners will receive an equivalent share of the new icons produced for a real-time currency. Vision vision: Set up and trade the most professional...

Building an exchange for the people, by the people.

You may not know it, but there is a silent war carrying on within the cyptocurrency world. It’s a war waged over crypto exchange market share, and the battleground is which will be the first to offer the most complete package. A package that satisfies the needs of the consumer. Exchanges are arguably what makes the cryptocurrency world turn. Without them, the market would not be able to operate. The Exchange market share is not trivial, as big money is at stake. However, the competition is fierce as there are more exchanges in the market than you can shake a stick at. In sum, you better have a damn good value proposition at this point if you think you deserve a spot at the table. To compete, new businesses generally embrace the tried and true strategy of “one-upping” your competition. As a result, watch the exchange industry mature is almost like watching Game of Thrones, where exchanges try to find the right combination of capabilities that will win the customer hearts and the...


Virtual currencies are often called cryptocurrencies mainly through their cryptographic technical details. Cryptocurrencies represent the next level in the evolution of money. The technology behind this is called blockchain. Blockchain is gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to Bitcoin, created in 2008, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency. The basic problem is that traditional financial institutions and the relevant regulations are not adapted to the crypto-crypto. The concept of a commercial bank was designed and conceived hundreds of years ago. This is the initial stage of the transition towards the decentralization of the financial world. But there is resistance. Strong and well-established institutions are not interested in conducting cryptocurrency transactions. And the influence of a strong group of special interests ensures that traditional banks do everything possible to resist this new form of capital. However, blockchain technology allows the use of cryptocurrency. To...